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Pass It Back integrates rugby and life skills learning for children and youth new to the game, supporting them to overcome challenges, inspire positive social change, and ‘pass it back’ to their communities.
Key Pass It Back Modules include:
Understanding Gender enables players to identify gender inequalities in their daily lives and to take steps to address these in solidarity with others in their communities.
Planning for the Future empowers players by facilitating goal-setting, basic financial literacy, enhancing decision-making skills, and considering how gender inequalities in their communities may impact on decisions for the future.
Being Healthy supports players to learn key knowledge about keeping themselves safe and healthy in relationships, and to think more deeply about responsible decision making, and how gender inequalities may impact decision making.
Feeling Safe helps players recognise violence in their communities, teaches ways to prevent and seek support, and guides them to access community resources when needed, while considering how gender inequalities can impact violence.
Playing for Gender Equity teaches players to overcome gender inequalities in their communities, build leadership skills, and develop positive decision making habits so that communities are more equitable, healthier, and happier for everyone.
Recovery supports players to build peer networks, set goals and develop healthy habits in times of disaster recovery.