Complaints & Refunds Policy


(incorporating refunds procedure)


Receiving feedback and responding to complaints are important ways for ChildFund Australia to improve performance and be accountable. ChildFund Australia recognises the value of complaints as an important tool in understanding and responding to stakeholder expectations. Ensuring that our stakeholders can hold us to account will improve the quality of our operations and bring greater impact.

Complaints may come from community members affected by our programs, including children and youth, members of the public, partners and supporters including child sponsors and other donors. ChildFund Australia is committed to the timely and fair resolution of complaints.

This policy does not cover complaints by staff, interns and volunteers. These are governed by the Whistleblower Policy or the Grievance Procedures section of the Sydney office Employee Handbook (for Sydney based personnel), while complaints by ChildFund Country Office and ChildFund Rugby staff, interns and volunteers are governed by the relevant country office policies and staff handbooks.


ChildFund Australia will ensure that stakeholders, including children and youth, have clear and accessible means to make a complaint. ChildFund will respond to complaints in a fair and timely fashion. Complainants will be treated respectfully, kept informed and supported in exercising their right to make a complaint without fear of discrimination.

For a comprehensive understanding of our policy, please access the complete version by clicking here.